Important Update on Camp Onas's Tax-Exempt Status

Unfortunately, Camp’s status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization status has been automatically revoked. Automatic revocation occurs when an exempt organization that is required to file an annual return (e.g., Form 990) does not do so for three consecutive years.

How is Camp resolving this issue?

    • We are working diligently to reinstate our 501(c)(3) status retroactively, which would restore tax-deductibility of donations back to the date of revocation. We enlisted support from a firm that specializes in 501(c)(3) reinstatement to guide us through the process, and employed measures to prevent issues like this in the future.
    • Today, Camp Onas has the capacity to carry out quality programs without sacrificing administrative or strategic work, and we will continue working with the requisite external partners to increase compliance and transparency going forward.


What led to this?

    • In 2021, our top priority was to safely welcome campers back to Onas after having to cancel the 2020 season.  Resuming our summer programming required the organization’s full attention at a time when Camp employed one person full-time, and had just adopted a new accounting software. Due to these factors, and the backlog of financial reports  they caused, Onas did not file IRS form 990 for three consecutive years.


What impact will this have on Camp and its supporters?

    • Automatic revocation means that the IRS does not currently recognize donations to Camp Onas as tax-deductible charitable gifts. The group of people most affected by this are donors who plan to claim donations to Camp Onas as itemized tax deductions on their federal income tax returns.
    • While we are temporarily unable to guarantee the tax-deductibility of donations made to Camp Onas, Camp Onas remains committed to our mission – Creating a community of people who are joyful, confident, kind, and engaged. We expect our status to be restored and do not foresee disruptions to our programs or projects as a result of our tax status.


Can I still donate to Camp Onas?

    • Yes! People who would like to continue supporting Camp Onas are welcome to do so, and their support is deeply appreciated. While donations may not be tax-deductible, we remain committed to careful stewardship of  our resources, and the vibrant sustainability of the organization and our programs.


The timeline to resolution ranges from three to twelve months. If you would like to receive updates about our reinstatement process, please use this form to let us know.